
We are happy to give you a final sneak peek into HMD 2.03, “Internal Affairs”, currently in production. We anticipate the first part of the episode to be released in early 2016. This is a rough cut of a scene early in the episode.

Scene 11 features Centurion Rulok (Ben van Diepen), Lt. Commander Ken Kato (Scott Fack), Silan (Evin Wald), and Commander Stu Karsten (Rick Pike).

We hope you enjoy! More updates as production continues!


David has served in multiple capacities with Hidden Frontier Productions since 2008, including Wiki Administrator and Forum Administrator. He currently serves as webmaster for this website and Executive Producer of two of HFP’s audio series, Star Trek: Henglaar, M.D. and Star Trek: Diplomatic Relations.

David is a professional technical writer based out of Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA.

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